2016/07/29 (星期五)
搶先看!SQ 20 週年盛世音樂會
為紀念由加拿大中文電台舉辦的「加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽」20 週年,「SQ20 週年盛世音樂會」今晚於歡呼聲中圓滿落幕。遠道從香港到來的黃耀明、林一峰、林二汶和 RubberBand,爆發原創音樂力量,兩個小時的精彩演出唱出各人的首本名曲。而讓歌迷們無限驚喜的是,四組嘉賓在台上忘我的首次 crossover 演出,以及現場大樂隊的技驚四座演奏,令「SQ20 週年盛世音樂會」被音樂行內人和樂迷喻為「本年度最好看的拉闊 band show」。現搶先看一些音樂會的精彩時刻,下星期再有詳盡報導及圖片集。
RubberBandThe SQ20 Anniversary Concert kicked off by showing a video of evolution of the "Canadian Chinese Song-Writers Quest" in the last 20 years. What followed over the next two hours was an incredible performance from Anthony Wong, Chet Lam, Eman Lam and RubberBand, with the enthusiastic crowd cheering and singing along to their favourite songs. We will have a detailed coverage and photo album of the Concert next week, stay tuned.