SQ 20 票選盛世經典 Best of the Best SQ Classic Online Voting

加拿大中文電台呼籲所有支持原創音樂,鍾情華語歌曲的知音人參與投票,選出你我心中的盛世經典。十年前,加拿大中文電台為慶祝 SQ10,亦辦過同樣的網上票選,當時 SQ5 的冠軍歌 - 由張瑞作曲及主唱,金明作詞的《放飛的風箏放飛的心》,以 1,142 票大熱勝出,成為歌創十年的「全國至尊歌創金曲」。十年過去,接近一百首新歌打入歌創舞台,為本地樂壇帶來全新面貌,再次舉行票選,哪首歌創金曲會成為新經典?

本台 DJ 專業推介八首風格不同而有代表性的金曲,重新编曲並和由本台DJ及SQ歌手演繹,現誠邀網民投票,最高票數的三首作品將於 7 月 29 日在 River Rock Show Theatre 舉行的 SQ 20 週年盛世音樂會中現場演繹。 「SQ 20 票選盛世經典」7 月 8 日晚上 11:59pm 截止,每個 IP address 限投一票,參與投票者將有機會獲得 SQ 20 週年盛世音樂會門票兩張!

What is your best of the best SQ Classic? 10 years ago we conducted a poll and asked listeners to vote for their favorite SQ song. "Flying Kites" from SQ5 won with a landslide with 1,142 votes. This year in celebration of SQ20, we have carefully selected 8 songs from the past 20 years and invite you to pick your personal favorite. The three songs with the most votes will be performed live on stage at the SQ 20 Anniversary Concert which will take place at River Rock Show Theatre on July 29, and one of the lucky voters will be able to witness this great moment in the audience as he or she will be awarded two tickets to the Concert.

試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote

Personal Information

加拿大中文電台將保存參加者資料作「SQ 20 票選盛世經典」之用。所有資料將絕對保密,並於比賽結束後銷毀。Fairchild Radio shall retain the voter's personal information for the purpose of coordinating the "Best of the Best SQ Classic Online Voting". All information shall be kept confidential and destroyed when the voting is completed.