加拿大中文電台 AM1470 及 FM961 主辦的「加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽」今年踏入 20 週年,一氣呵成舉辦兩大活動,將歌創的光輝 20 年推上高峰!入圍 SQ20 歌創作品將有機會被香港寰亞唱片有限公司採用,冠軍更有機會在「SQ 20週年盛世音樂會」舞台上現場演繹得獎作品,和多位頂尖實力派歌手共享光芒。This year, SQ 20 includes a song writing competition and an anniversary concert. Not only the entry song might be chosen by the Hong Kong well established music label Media Asia Music, the winner from the song writing competition will also have a chance to perform on stage with top-notch artists at the anniversary concert.

SQ20 Canadian Chinese Song-Writers Quest

獎項 Awards:
冠軍歌曲 Champion | 最佳演繹 Best Performance
最佳歌詞 Best Lyrics | 我最喜愛歌曲 People’s Choice

截止報名 Deadline for Entry: April 22, 2016
決賽日期 Finale: May 21, 2016 @5pm Aberdeen Centre

SQ20 Anniversary Concert

日期 Date: July 29, 2016 @ 8pm
地點 Venue: River Rock Show Theatre

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